Cymbeline Timeline and Summary


Cymbeline Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: Cymbeline is ticked at his daughter Imogen, and he isn't afraid to show it. He calls her all sorts of unpleasant things (our favorite: "vile one" 1.2.74). He's already banished her new husband, and he's planning to luck her away until she marries the man of his choosing—Cloten, to be exact.
  • 2.3: We hear that a Roman by the name of Lucius is waiting to see Cymbeline, and he isn't happy. Britain owes Rome money, and Cymbeline better pay, ASAP. Cymbeline runs into Cloten and tells him to keep on trying with his daughter. She'll come around… eventually.
  • 3.1: Cymbeline, the Queen, Cloten, and some lords meet with Lucius and his posse, and it's not good news. Rome wants Britain to pay up. The Queen and Cloten say no way, José, and Cymbeline follows their lead.
  • 3.5: Cymbeline meets with Lucius again. This time Lucius says he's got no other choice but to declare war on Britain. Cymbeline is sad to hear it, but what can he do? Better luck next time, he says. Let the war begin.
  • 4.3: How's my wife? Where is my daughter? What news do you have, Pisanio? Cymbeline is full of questions, and he gets no answers. He accuses Pisanio of doing away with Cloten, too.
  • 5.3: Cymbeline appears briefly on stage, just long enough to take Posthumus and the Roman captives from the gaolers but not long enough to actually say anything.
  • 5.5: At the news that his wife is dead and was just using him for his crown, Cymbeline is saddened but says that she flattered him a lot, so who can blame him for believing her? Anyway, he has more important things to deal with. First, there's a mysterious young lad he is drawn to. He grants the boy a wish, and the boy turns out to be... his daughter, Imogen. Then his two long-lost sons show up. He's so ecstatic that he forgets all about the beef with the Romans and choses to let them go home scot-free.