Calculus Terms

Get down with the lingo

Augmented Matrix

A matrix that represents a system of equations by using only the coefficients and uses numbers on both sides of the equal sign.


In a 2 × 2 matrix, the determinant is the difference between the product of the left diagonal and the product of the right diagonal. If 0, the inverse of a matrix cannot be found.

Gaussian Elimination

A way of solving a multivariate system of equations by a combination of multiplying the equations by a number, and adding equations to other equations in order to eliminate variables.

Identity Matrix

A matrix that is all 0's except the leading diagonal which are 1's.


Similar to an equation, these have > or ≥ or < or ≤ instead of an equal sign.

Inverse Matrix

A matrix that, when multiplied to a matrix, will give the identity matrix.


An organized way of displaying data or equations in brackets.

Multivariate Systems Of Equations

Equations that have more than two variables in them.

Partial Fractions

A simpler way to state a complicated algebraic fraction by breaking it into a sum of smaller algebraic fractions.

Reduced Row Echelon Form

A matrix representing the solution to a system of equations. It contains only 0's, 1's and numbers on the right. You can clearly look at this form and know the solution for the system.

Row Echelon Form

A matrix representing the triangular form of a system of equations.

Scalar Multiplication

Multiplying each entry in a matrix by the same number.


When you take the first column of a matrix and make it the first row, etc. Change all of the columns to rows.