Sonnet 75 Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. The speaker sure seems concerned about what other people think about his relationship with "you." Does this make him excessively self-absorbed, or is he just being realistic about the nature of human relationships?
  2. Compared to other Shakespeare sonnets, Sonnet 75 has very little nature imagery (arguably just line 2). How does this affect the meaning of the sonnet? 
  3. If you were the "you" the poem is addressed to, how would you feel after reading it? Why do you think so?
  4. Would you classify Sonnet 75 as a love poem?
  5. Most Shakespearean sonnets divide up their ideas in accordance with their rhyme scheme: one main idea in each of the three quatrains, and then a couplet that sums things up and adds a new twist. (For more on quatrains and couplets, check out "Form and Meter.") Sonnet 75, however, follows a different pattern: one idea gets introduced in the first two lines, then a new idea (the miser) takes over from Line 3 to Line 8, then yet another new idea (the glutton) dominates from Line 9 until the end. How might this pattern help Shakespeare get across what he's trying to say?